Off-Duty Security When You Need It

Our off duty law enforcement personnel can provide you professional off-duty services for all of your security and safety needs.

Off Duty

Off Duty Services Of America can place highly qualified off-duty police officers chosen from our vetted network of security professionals on site to keep customers, employees and assets safe.

Why your company should choose off-duty officers over security guards

When we’re talking about security guards, many companies impose a strict “Observe and Report” policy, which limits the liability for the security company but offers no immediate solution when you need action to be taken fast. That means the security guard can merely watch as customers are being assaulted and property is being stolen or destroyed.

People want to feel safe and businesses that allow various forms of misbehavior and criminality to go unaddressed because security guards are under orders to take no action can develop a reputation for being an unsafe place to frequent. What  you tolerate, you get more of.

Off duty officers have increased capabilities to deter and prevent crime because of advanced equipment, commanding uniforms and effective communication skills which security guards may or may not possess.